Monday, January 30, 2012

i pause the ustream bc an ad is about to play and i dont want to miss anything

i am alternating between fullscreen and not fullscreen so i can type this
elaine sun sounds very intelligent
she just said a sandwich and a late caost 7 dollars i think
i am 72% drunk
someone just said '100 blog years'
jackson niewland is deleting his comments on steve roggenbucks status about a poem
'my face feels fucking fantastic right now'
i just got a boner
i think i have read what she is saying before
i have
brenda lol
she is hold a cellphone in one hand and a macbook in the other while reading
everyone just laughed real loud
someone just whispered "read them"
rele drunk now
feeling unattached to the realization that i need to read something by richard yates
i feel like if i was in the presence of megan boyle irl she might want to sleep with me
but she would want to project that she hated me
i am unsure whether i would feel comfortable sleeping next to her in a bed after reading her list of everyone she has had sex with
but i would never do anything like that bc i have a gf that i love and want to marry someday
just sayin

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