Monday, January 30, 2012

its not like i have to carry it around with me

i tried to do read the recommended reading but the website was down
i have two things to do today that i should have done already

workshopping my story will make it several times better

i thought it was good at one point but now i dont believe that anymore
i thought i was good at one point but now i dont believe that anymore

a woman said that her teacher isnt going to believe her about the website being down because last time she had a problem last time with printing something for class

i feel bad for the lab monitor he was helping a clueless racial woman
i do not want to mention her race it dosent matter

self doubt is stupider than you i smelled a fart before when a girl was sitting on the computer next to me

thinking that something can be good/bad, saying i love/hate you, something that makes sense/is nonsense
i wonder what time the post office closes sometimes when i look at writing i don't like the way it looks and that affects how i think about it

the internet is limitless so i might as well fill it up with as much as i can
its not like i have to carry it around with me

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