Monday, March 26, 2012

floridian superman

don't rele care abt my "internet presence"

legit thought abt posting "ill take your soul and make it my slave" as a comment on fbook

decided not to

constantly feeling "like i have to sneeze" and eyes watering

shit sux but its cool

read an article abt a domesticated deer in pulaski ny

feel bad if they kill it, feel bad for it in general

brought up the "trayvon martin case" today to my roomate and friend

friend expressed anger that the media originally labeled zimmerman "white"

kind of agree, he's hispanic, but what does that even matter

so a fatass spic gets his as beat by a scrawny nigger so he shoots him

sounds like a pussy to me

hope he doesn't get away with it, he started it

will the south ever rise again

or has the south risen again

i'm not racist but i'm white

i don't think george was a serious racist either

i think he was a fucking wanna be superhero

that deserves to be charged with something

but it's fucking florida

you might be able to get away with killing your own daughter in florida 

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