Thursday, March 15, 2012

get upset

your stupid  scrapbooking
your not a poet
your a frikken scrapbooker of scrap
and words your a frikken scrappoemer
of scrap
and words
your frickening

how horrible a person i
must be
i'm not bob dylan
i'm not anything important
but i'm not stupid
but maybe i'm stupid
cause i can't write good
or bc i expect so much of myself all the time
but i've plenty of time
i do if i want it
if i stop wanting anything else
i can do whatever i want to
or maybe not
this is so pointless

this couch is gonna
break my back
(i wish all of my stress
would melt away
or evaporate)
i have eaten too much cheese
and submitted the wrong poems in school

i'm chris hanson dateline nbc
and we're doing a story on people who watch
to catch a predator

this back is gonna
break my back

this couch is gonna
break my couch

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